For the past several months, we have been actively campaigning together against Acts S. 447 and H.R. 1226. Thank you for all your support thus far!
We practically succeeded in blocking Act H.R. 1226. That is why S. 447 was processed under "suspension of the rules," passed the House by "voice vote," and was subsequently signed into law by President Donald Trump.
The project Stop Act HR 1226 is therefore completed and terminated. But don't give up because we do continue our campaign against S. 447! We are considering all options how to remedy unjustice and revert flawed Act S. 447. We also consider other steps, including the challenge to the very controversial proceeding of S. 447 in the US Congress. The campaign against illegitimate and immoral heirless property restitution claims of Jewish-American organizations will be expanded internationally. We will also lobby the Polish parliament to protect Poland against illegal extortion attempts.
Please note!- the website stopacthr1226.org will no longer be maintained but the email address info@stopacthr1226.org will remain active
- a new website stopacts447.org is under construction.
- we will keep you informed about new developments via our Twitter account.
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